
Thursday, 31 March 2011

"At the moment you are passing through some difficulties and you dont know what do pray and ask God"
"divine hardships the more we become like Jesus and we glorify God"
"God allows suffering or hardships in our lives for different purposes but it is very important to note that the more we endure"
"Suffering should draw you closer to God You only endure where there are hardships or suffering"
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword?"
"Christ cannot be the head of such a family God commands such families to be transformed"
"When the wife is away the husband replaces her with the house girl or the neighbors wife contrary to the word of God"
"Sometimes they go for weeks without talking to one another and they have no time to have family devotions with their children"
"Husband and wife engage in physical battles in the presence of their children"
"It depicts Christ as one who is not supposed to interfere In most of these homes there is no consciousness of that Christ"
"the unseen guest at every meal and the silent listener to every conversation]"
"There is a famous placard displayed on the wall in many houses which reads [Christ is the head of this house"
"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil Is it good for a Christian to be rich? [Timothy 6:9-10; Proverbs 22:6]"
"What Have I Done For You? Asks Jesus Christ. Jesus God" -
"All in spiritual unity of the believers in our Lord Jesus Christ [Revelation 12:1-9; Matthew 10:17-19 2:23; John 1:1-18 3:16-17]"
"All in spiritual unity of the believers in our Lord Jesus Christ are lost to the resurrection damnation"
"and they that are lost to the resurrection of damnation"
"I believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost they that are saved to the resurrection of life"
"I believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by those in dwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life"
"I believe that for the salvation of the lost and sinful men regeneration by the Holy spirit is absolutely essential"
"in His ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal return in power and glory"
"in His vicarious and atoning death through shedding blood in His bodily resurrection"
"Also I believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ in His virgin birth in His sinless life in His miracles"
"I believe that there is one God eternally existent in three persons Father Son and Holy Spirit"
"I believe that the Bible is the inspired and the only infallible word of God"
"The followers of Jesus receive Gods gift and the Holy Spirit and find that they have a new experience of Gods presence and power"
"I do that because Christ did not praise Himself as the scripture says [insults which are hurled at you have fallen on me]"
"I should not praise myself Instead I should praise other believers for their own good in order to build them up in the faith"
"Share Jesus Without Fear Jesus God" -
"[Psalms 1:1-3; Proverbs 27:12-17]"
"Where there is true fellowship there is spiritual and numerical growth for we are all called into the priesthood of believers"
"spiritually cold and unproductive"
"An isolated Christian himself or herself may deny many benefits available in the fellowship of believers and remains"
"It is human nature to fellowship first with God who is the creator of all things and with others in the household of faith"
"Gods design is that no individual should be an island"
"There is spiritual fire in their midst which leads to significant growth and fruitfulness"
"Christians are devoted to being together talking together praying together singing together and doing other things together"
"You may find it helps to strengthen you faith by reading the Bible praying and spending time with other believers"
"Wait in your own Jerusalem until you are filled with the Holy Spirit and then go and fight victoriously in all fronts"
"Wait on Him the soldiers in the battle Ask Him to come and fill you up"
"Maybe you are discouraged wounded and depressed The Holy Spirit is not indifferent to that"
"He brings to remembrance all our weapons of war He instructs directs and empowers our lives"
"Without the Holy Spirit we are powerless in our Christian living and endeavors"
"others when they live and engage a vicious enemy without the Holy Ghost power"
"The believers who are not filled with the Holy Spirit may not be put in prison but they endanger themselves and"
"Its not a choice failure to do so is to live in total disobedience to the Lords command"
"Every believer is under divine command to be filled with the Holy Spirit"
"Angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation" -
"[Ps 31; Pr 10:26; Nu 10:11-36; Ro 9:10; Mk 3:13-19; 4]"
"This can never be our experience if we refuse to acknowledge and confess our sins"

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

"1) What scripture shows - It is true that some scripture verses use either term in that general way"
"they say both terms refer to that part of man which is not physical or material"
"Some bible students believe there is no difference in meaning between the words [spirit] and [soul]"
"For the three parts man to be whole each part has a special role or function to play in the well being of every person"
"*The soul relates inward to itself *The body relates outward to the world"
"Let us first study the three parts of man *The spirit relates upwards to God"
"There is a difference between spirit soul and body"
"These are the blessings which [our great salvation] provides for each one of us"
"He desires to bring life and power to our spirit restore our soul and bring healing to our bodies"
"The Holy Spirit wants every part of our beings to be safe sound and strong"
"Yes God wants to heal the broken and bruised parts of our lives"
"What hope and comfort Jesus words bring to the broken soul when he says [go in peace your faith has made you whole] [Luke 7:50 8:48]"
"#Sin can cause illness of spirit soul and body only God can heal these three different parts of our lives and make us whole again"
"#Sin damages us sin damages others often those we love"
"He desires wholeness in our spirit soul and body"
"#God wants us whole that is without *Mental illness *Emotional wounds or * physical sickness"
"[May your spirit soul and your body be safe sound and without blame] [1Ths 523]"
"Find the full messages at http://wwwyesumobcom Jesus God"
"The Word Of God Is Alive And Powerful" -
"the bible says that you will stop thinking in the past and start experiencing blessing on a daily basis"
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord deliveres him out of them all"
"[Proverbs 11:8] the righteous is delivered out of trouble and it comes on the wicked"
"sow and then look for a harvest but also make sure you use good sound business practices and settle for nothing less than excellence"
"His words says we must give to receive we must sow to reap so if you are needing a breakthrough financially"
"Gods ways are so different from ours"
"So dont give up when you are discouraged He wants you to win and finish the course in great victory and joy"
"but through the word of God which came to him he rose up again and fulfilled his calling and destiny"
"[I kings 19:9] shows how Elijah the mighty prophet of God was so discouraged he had hid himself in a cave and desired to die"
"each day whether in the work place or in the house of worship"
"So if you want to succeed in your calling whether in business or ministry remember when you were born again you became the servant of God"
"What a change took place and it was Gods word that made a difference"
"from thinking of my inabilities to thinking of Gods abilities from my fear to His faith"
"but once I heard what God said it changed me from thinking weakness to strength"
"and unbelief were spoken over my life which rendered me inferior and intimidated"
"I heard how I could never be successful in business or achieve anything significant so many words of doubt"
"In [Proverbs 4:20-27] we are challenged to take seriously all Gods words and ponder"
"[Hebrew 2:1] give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at anytime we should let them slip"
"[James 1:19] says [let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath"
"Most of what we hear in the world today is negative and does not inspire faith or confidence to serve the Lord"
"We cannot fully appreciate how great an impact what we hear has on our daily walk"
"[Judges 612-16 ISAIAH 55:3 MARK 4:24] says that take heed of what you hear"
"Remember the very important first steps that Gideon took which defeated his discouragement was hearing and believing the word of God"
"but if we follow the steps that Gideon eventually took we will be successful in fulfilling this call"
"Whether we are called to the business world or that of full time ministry"
"Discouragement can delay and sometimes defeat the fulfilling of our God given destiny in life"
"he was radically changed and became part of the answer instead of being part of the problem"
"He appeared to lack vision of Gods call for his life and generation but after hearing and believing Gods word to him"
"Gideon had a negative image of himself and was settling for less than his potential"
"but to me its encouraging to discover that they were just like us"
"Many times we think that great bible characters like Gideon never faced the negative feelings thoughts or circumstances we face today"

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

"you might even think that He should ignore you for a while or even debit your account by sending some trouble your way"
"Then you think that you shouldnt expect much less asked for Him to credit your account"
"Most of the kings in Israel and Judah failed in their leadership because of a lack of holiness in their lives" -
"You have a column for deposit and one for withdrawals. Has God been unusually kind to you lately?"
"You have slipped into a ledger keeping mindset with God in your blessing account"
"Gods blessing sort of drizzle over your life at predetermined rate no matter what you do no extra effort required"
"There are Christians who think that once you are saved"
"circumstances is nothing but a liability you just dont feel like a candidate for blessing"
"Perhaps you think that your name is just another word for pain or trouble or that the legacy you have been handed from your family"
"The Pharisees [showy holiness [flashy] was compounded by their spiritual pride" -
"In the same way that a father is honoured to have a child beg for his blessing your father is delighted in what you covet most"
"If you dont ask for his blessing you forfeit those that come to you only when you ask"
"if you didnt ask Him for a blessing yesterday you didnt get all that you were supposed to have today"
"You quarrel and fight you do not have because you do not ask God. Even though there is no limit to Gods goodness"
"you kill and covet [long for/desire/yearn for] but you cannot have what you want"
"[You do not have because you do not ask] [James 4:2] you want something but dont get it"
[Matthew 7:7] ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you"
"This Prince of Peace would also enjoy the Prophet Priestly and Kingly anointing" -
"What do you suppose the reason would be?"
"What if you found out that God had it in mind to send twenty three specific blessings today but you got only one?"
"Suddenly the unhindered forces of heaven can begin to accomplish Gods perfect will through you and you will be the first one to notice"
"You are moving in His direction you are praying for exactly what God desires"
"Gods power to accomplish great things suddenly finds no obstruction in you"
"How do I know this Because He promises it and you have seen it happen in your own life"
"Let me tell you as a guaranteed by product of sincerely seeking blessing your life will become marked by Miracles"
"You must let Jesus baptize you in the Holy Spirit" -
RT @simplydee1: "The only way we can thank Him for His many gifts to us is by GIVING PART OF WHAT HE HAS GIVEN"
"through us and around us for His glory"
"Our other needs become Secondary to us when we are really immersed [engrossed/wrapped up/absorbed/deep] in what God is trying to do in us"
"his Power and Purpose for us all"
"When we seek Gods blessing as the ultimate value in life we are throwing ourselves entirely into the river of His will"
"#Jesus will baptize you in the Holy Spirit" -
"3[Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in My Temple Life application Bible]"
"2[Bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in My house. KJV]"
"2 Corinthians 9:6-7 Malachi 3:8-12 [Malachi 3:10] 1[Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in My house NIV]"
"Jesus Says [If anyone needs translation or meaning of My word in the written print let him ask me!]"
"Does store house mean the Pastors bank account or the Pastors Pocket?"
"to those in need and also to the people who He wants us to help or pay for training/ School fees etc."
"The only way we can thank Him for His many gifts to us is by GIVING PART OF WHAT HE HAS GIVEN"
"Angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation" -
"GODS NATURE IS TO BLESS All that we have is from God"
"One of the reasons the Lord appoints teachers is to enable them to deal with Unbelief"
"Abraham had heard Gods word and being fully persuaded that what He had promised He was able also to perform"
"for all the things that He had promised him confessing what God had said and giving Him the glory"
"Nor did his faith falter at the deadness of Sarahs womb This means he went about positively praising God"
"Although Abraham was close to 100 years old and beyond bringing forth a progeny (children) he was not weak in faith"
"God promised to make Abraham the father of many nations"
"Jesus admonished this account [Matthew 12:34-37]"
"Every believer is commissioned and called" -
"We are what we say The moment that we face a situation the response in our heart is expressed by our mouth and we speak what we believe"
"The progression and growth of faith is related to what you say or speak forth with the very words of your mouth [Proverbs 4:20-22]"
"It takes faith to ask but there is a faith that goes beyond asking to a faith that speaks"
"In [Mark 11:22-23] there is a higher faith than asking faith"
"* Hearing, * obeying, * loving, Then are the three central ingredients to the growth of faith"
"It is because of that love that faith works Otherwise faith is stifled and ceases to grow"
"God wants you to be a leader who gets results and makes an impact on your world!" -
"We open our spirit to the voice of the Lord by having an open responsive heart to hear and to obey because we love Him and He loves us"
"Safe faith is based on hearing obedience and love"
"we may cut ourselves off from communication with Him and spiritual death begins to set in"
"When we refuse to accept that God can speak to us through other means than the written pages of the Bible"
"We walk in life by hearing and obeying to proceeding word of the Lord by whatever means He chooses to speak that word to us"
"We live not only by what God said in [present tense] [proceeds and continues to proceed out of the mouth of God]"
"[Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth [present continuous tense] out of the mouth of God]"

Monday, 28 March 2011

"This same tense is used by Jesus in [Matthew 4:4]"
"Every sinner experiences the lepers anointing when he is born again of the spirit [John 3:5-6]" -
"[he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit Saith unto the churches]"
"The seven times repeated warning in [Rev2 and 3] is for us to heed in this day"
"We need to open our hearts to receive the word of the Lord not only from the Bible but through the other channels by which God speaks"
"All such experience must be judged by and agree with the Holy Scriptures"
"God never speaks to us in any subjective experience in contradiction to His written word"
"*Through such supernatural means as dreams visions inward assurance divine providence of circumstance"
"God still speaks today by the Holy Spirit *Through His written word *Through His anointed servants"
"We need to know the distinction between them in order to further understand what is meant by hearing the word of the Lord"
"We exercise prophetic, priestly and kingly rights only by virtue of anointing" -
RT @simplydee1: "How To Commit Your Life To Christ Find Jesus."
"The Holy Spirit Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"What we do with it determines whether it grows or stays a seed"
"This same tremendous potential is locked up in the seed of faith which God has dealt to every man (GIVEN)"
"it will eventually produce thousands of bushels of wheat"
"However given the right conditions it will not only grow but through the replanting of each successive harvest"
"The natural law of growth teaches us spiritual things A grain of wheat in the wrong environment will never grow"
"His tomb was discovered completely intact in 1922 by an English archeologist Inside among its treasures was found Honey Wheat and Corn"
"Abbreviation for King Tutank Hamon was a famous Egyptian Pharaoh buried about 1357 BC in an extremely elaborate Pyramid grave"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"The principle of growing faith can be illustrated in a story of King Tuts tomb"
"faith in your life. Developed faith will bring an increase of Gods glory resting on your life and ministry"
"A scriptural percept to remember is this you will know the glory of God in your life only in proportion to the development of faith"
"We must now discover how faith can grow in the life of the believer We go [or grow] From [faith to faith] and [glory to glory]"
"Share Jesus without Fear" -
"Please RT any message that you feel would help a friend RT"
"You must let Jesus baptize you in the Holy Spirit" -
"#All these messages can be found at take time to read them"
"known a sudden gift or [impartation] of faith on some singular occasion your faith development might still be at the 5% level"
"On the other hand if your faith has not progressively grown but you have only"
"it grows to 75% faith then you can deal with any situation that you encounter up to 75% faith"
"Developed faith is the developed faith in you In developed faith if you start with 5% faith"

Sunday, 27 March 2011

"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"The Christians object of faith is God and His word"
"The Christians Object Of Faith Is God" -
"if we realize that there are three kinds of people in the world (1Corinthians 214 33) Natural man Spiritual man and Carnal man"
"Share Jesus without Fear Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"The fact that many Christians are part of the problem rather than part of the solution can best be understood"
"They do not know how to appropriate Gods power and resources for making an impact on the world"
"They do not evidence a quality of life which causes others to want to know our Lord"
"In the midst of these tremendous problems and opportunities most xtians have become more a partof the problem than a part of the solution"
"In the midst of these tremendous problems and opportunities most xtians have become more a partof the problem than a part of the solution"
"THE GREAT COMMISSION Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"Never before in the recorded history has there been such an ideal opportunity for presenting the claims of Christ"
"Seeking The Face Of God" -
"The entire world is filled with anxiety fear and frustration"
"Simple, truly viral, guaranteed traffic! to promote Jesus check this out pls & RT! God teamjesus" -
"Today we are greatly challenged as we face the most desperate hour of all human history"
"They had met Gods requirements of super-natural cleansing of their sins (Psalms 512 3 10 12 and 13)"
"They knew the reality of being filled with the Spirit"
"The first century church made a mighty impact for God upon the world (Acts 176)"
"How to commit your life to Christ Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"There isa vast difference between the Christianity ofthe New Testament andthe Christianity evidenced inthe lives ofmany Christians today"
"The Greatest Problem In Christian Life" -
"#To get a response to any of your questions please mention @yesumob"
"#Yesumob Find the full messages at To get a response or to comment mention @yesumob"
"The Holy Spirit Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"#We are called to spread the Word to as many as possible RT this"
"exalt spiritually and experience the reality of his cleansing power"
"All that we need to do to experience afresh the wonder of his love and the joy of His promises is to confess our sins,"
"But God loves us even though we may have unconfessed sins in our lives He has forgiven us"
"Sin short-circuits the power of God God is Holy and will have nothing to do with sin"
"#Yesumob Find the full messages at To get a response or to comment mention @yesumob"
"We give you praise and thanksgiving as we ask this in the matchless Name of Jesus]"
I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray
"Father help us we pray to more fully and effectively serve you in these days of glorious opportunity"
"May understanding of your purpose for our lives be revealed to us by your Spirit"
"Lord delivers us from highmindedness and human ambition and initiative not in line with your Lordship"
"your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven"
"Share Jesus without Fear" -
"Lord I pray that we will be inspired to go out and work more diligently and fully pour out our lives to cause your Kingdom to come"
"he will be able to say with the Apostle Paul [I am what I am by the Grace of God]"
"Join me as we bow our heads together in prayer [Lord Jesus I trust that after each one has soberly evaluated and inventoried his life"
"Gods Nature Is To Bless" -
"#Yesumob As Christians we are called to spread the Gospel to the world RT these messages"
"*You pray, but there is no response *You read the Bible but get little joy or help from it *You witness for Christ but no one responds"
"*Some resentment towards friends or members of your family * You may have lost the joy of your relationship with Christ"
"Perhaps you have committed sins and have not experienced Gods forgiveness You may feel"

Saturday, 26 March 2011

"Two weeks ago we looked at faith God said to us that faith is like a MUSCLE"
"The Christians object of faith is God" -
"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders" -
"Share Jesus without Fear Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"Please RT any message that you feel would help a friend RT"
"if we realize that there are three kinds of people in the world (1Corinthians 214 33) Natural man Spiritual man and Carnal man"
"The fact that many Christians are part of the problem rather than part of the solution can best be understood"
"They do not know how to appropriate Gods power and resources for making an impact on the world"
"They do not know how to appropriate Gods power and resources for making an impact on the world"
"THE GREAT COMMISSION Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"They do not evidence a quality of life which causes others to want to know our Lord"
"In the midst of these tremendous problems and opportunities most xtians have become more a part of the problem than a part of the solution"
"Never before in the recorded history has there been such an ideal opportunity for presenting the claims of Christ"
"Simple, truly viral, guaranteed traffic! to promote Jesus check this out pls & RT! God teamjesus" -
"How To Tell Godly Leaders From Wicked Leaders" -
"The entire world is filled with anxiety fear and frustration"
"Today we are greatly challenged as we face the most desperate hour of all human history"
"They had met Gods requirements of super-natural cleansing of their sins (Psalms 512 3 10 12 and 13)"
"How to commit your life to Christ Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"They knew the reality of being filled with the Spirit"
"The first century church made a mighty impact for God upon the world (Acts 176)"
"There isa vast difference between the Christianity ofthe NewTestament and the Christianity evidenced in the lives ofmany Christians today"
"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -
"The Holy Spirit Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"To get a response to any of your questions please mention @yesumob"
"The Average Christian Is Not Fruitful. Jesus"
"and our Lord (Romans 53 1Thessalonians 518 John 158)"
"Unfortunately most Christians are not experiencing a life of joy and victory as taught in the Bible by the Apostle Paul"
"Jesus meant for the Christian life to be an exciting abundant adventure (John 1010 Galatians 522-23)"
"Jesus of Nazareth is the most remarkable powerful attractive personality of all the centuries (Isaiah 714 534-6)"
"Knowing Jesus Christ personally is the greatest adventure man can experience"
I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray
"How To Commit Your Life To Christ Find Jesus."
"He needs to understand the nature of his problem and how to find a solution to it This is what exactly the word of God does to us"
"One does not need to be told that he is an hypocrite or that his life is not honouring to our Lord if he is a defeated Christian"
"So it is in the Christian life"
"Share Jesus without Fear" -
"How To Commit Your Life To Christ. Jesus Loves You" -
"I soon succeeded in changing my direction through the helpof afriendly policeman and I went on my way rejoicing driving with the traffic"
"My problem was not to determine whether or not I was going the wrong direction It was how to get turned around!"
"But I had already realized this in the split second after I had turned"
"My problem was not to determine whether or not I was going the wrong direction"
"The people on the sidewalk started telling me Iwas going in the wrong direction"
"I found myself driving against traffic ona one way street"
"EXAMPLE some time ago when I was driving through Nairobi on a new Road I made a wrong turn"
"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -

Friday, 25 March 2011

"What an exciting hour to be alive to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords"
RT @sword4christ: RT @Qu1ZG1N0: "It is not enough to live a good life"
RT @cabbobby: "Today we live in the most desperate hour of human history The whole world is in a state of crisis and chaos"
RT @yuki_elf13: "the only hope for sinful man is a supernatural cleansing"
RT @yuki_elf13: and build His kingdom they needed to be filled with His Holy Spirit
RT @tiwielarosa: RT @tiwielarosa: "It is faith not effort that pleases God"
RT @lifeverse: "The average Christian is not fruitful"
RT @tjilani: "Share Jesus without Fear" -
RT @dean61uk: "Set aside 20 to 30 minutes to be alone with God Jesus"
"The opportunity for presenting the claims of Christ is greater today than at any previous time in recorded history"
"God Blesses When There Is Unity" -
"To get a response to your questions please mention @yesumob"
"GODS NATURE IS TO BLESS Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"One article at Daily will bring a better understanding of Jesus. May Jesus bless You. Focus on Jesus God Praise"
"Human solutions without number have been proposed yet the crisis becomes increasingly worse"
"1]politically 2]socially 3]economically 4]even religiously The entire world is filled with fear anxiety and frustration"
"No one word So characterizes the mood of our day as the word revolution"
"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"Today we live in the most desperate hour of human history The whole world is in a state of crisis and chaos"
"9]Then will I teach transgressors Thy ways 10]and sinners shall be converted unto thee"
"6]and renew a right spirit within me 7]Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation 8]and uphold me with Thy free spirit"
"Share Jesus without Fear Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"Listen to his heartwarming prayer (Psalms 511-19) 1]Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity 2]and cleanse me from my sin"
"The Psalmist King David understood the need for cleansing and forgiveness of sin"
"The living Christ dwelling within us makes the difference"
"This cleansed life can be experienced only by Gods power not by our own will power"
"The Key Of The Authority Of The Ministry" -
"the only hope for sinful man is a supernatural cleansing"
"1]Moral reform 2]Social adjustments 3]Therapeutic psychology 4]Sensitivity seminars all these have failed to produce a new person"
"Many people are trying all kinds of moral detergents but the Stains and blotches are all part of their nature"
And before they could be filled with His Holy Spirit they needed to be willing to be forgiven and cleansed of their sins
and build His kingdom they needed to be filled with His Holy Spirit
"The Holy Spirit Jesus TeamJesus God" -
The only logical explanation is that the church was composed largely of spiritual Christians
Why was that first century church able to make an impact for God upon a wicked roman empire?
"took the good news of Gods love and forgiveness in Christ to the entire then known world"
I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray
"Consequently it is a matter of sober historical fact that never before has any small body of ordinary people so moved the world"
"that he can work with them and through them with a minimum of hindrance"
"1 [to believe] 2 [to obey] 3 [to give] 4 [to suffer] 5 [and if need be to die]"
"Share Jesus without Fear" -
"In his preface to the young church in action jb Phillips writes no one can read this book [Acts] without being convinced that there"
"This is seldom the experience of the twentieth century Christians"
"often in the face of death and martyrdom went everywhere as the apostle Paul said telling everyone about Christ"
"as they went door to door sharing their faith and constrained (moving at a high speed) by the love of Christ"
"Purpose Of Ministry Gifts" -
"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -

Thursday, 24 March 2011

"How to commit your life to Christ" -
"He alone could enable me to live the Christlife It is faith not effort that pleases Him Jesus"
I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God
"#Simple, truly viral, guaranteed traffic! to promote Jesus check this out pls & RT! God teamjesus" -
"But I could trust Christ to live His resurrection life in and through me Jesus"
"He has control over us by giving Himself as a sacrifice for our sins"
"but God put into effect a different plan to save usHe sent His own son in a human body like ours except that oursare sinful and destroyed"
"We are not saved from sins grasp by knowing the commandments of God because we cant and we dont keep them"
"Jesus Christ has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death Jesus"
"Who Brings Tests And Trials Into The Life Of The Christian?" -
"#Jesus meant for the Christian life to be an exciting abundant adventure (John 10:10 Galatians 5:2223)"
"#Jesus of Nazareth is the most remarkable powerful attractive personality of all the centuries (Isaiah 7:14 53:46)"
"Share Jesus without Fear Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"John 10:10b I came that they might have life and might have it abundantly"
"GODS NATURE IS TO BLESS Jesus TeamJesus God" -
One article at Daily will bring a better understanding of Jesus. May Jesus bless You. Focus on Jesus God Praise
"Knowing Jesus Christ personally is the greatest adventure man can experience"
"Please Retweet some of these messages and help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. RT"
"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"But I could trust Christ to live His resurrection life in and through me"
"But I could trust Christ to live His resurrection life in and through me"
"Why Does God Test And Try Us?" -
"Share Jesus without Fear Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"It never did obey Gods laws and it never will"
"How well I remember the years that I sought God with all my heart"
"but God put into effect a different plan to save usHe sent His own son ina human body like ours except that ours are sinful and destroyed"
"Jesus Christ has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death"
"For the power of the lifegiving spirit and this power is mine through Christ Jesus"
"There is now no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Jesus Christ"
"Trouble Tests Our Faith In Gods Word" -
"Jesus meant for the Christian life to be an exciting abundant adventure (John 10:10 Galatians 5:2223)"
"Knowing Jesus Christ personally is the greatest adventure man can experience"
"The Holy Spirit Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"Then throughout the day as you become aware of such an area immediately pray and claim Gods forgiveness according to His promise"
"Ask God daily to make you sensitive to anything in your life which would be displeasing to Him"
"Thank Him according to His promise Then destroy the list"
"How To Train Church Leaders" -
"Confess these sins (agree with God concerning them) according to His promise in 1John 1:9 across the list write out the verse"
"Set aside 20 to 30 minutes to be alone with God"
I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray
"1John 1:9 If we confess our sins He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"
"John 10:10b I came that they might have life and might have it abundantly"
"Share Jesus without Fear" -
"LISTEN TO THE GOOD NEWS[Thank God! It has been done by Jesus Christ our Lord He has set me free]"
"He alone could enable me to live the Christlife It is faith not effort that pleases Him"
"But I could trust Christ to live His resurrection life in and through me"
"Then one day as I was studying the book of Romans I read Chapter 8 verse 7 The old sinful nature within us is against God"
"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -
"The more I tried the more defeated and frustrated I became"

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

"I dont still have me in its evil grasp It seems to be a fact of life that when I want to do what is right I inevitably do what is wrong"
"Paul continues his description of the carnal Christian Now if I am doing what I dont want to it is plain where the trouble is"
"How To Train Church Leaders ShortTerm Training" -
"Does this passage of scripture describe your present relationship with God? (WE SHOULD SEARCH OURSELFS)"
"No matter which way I turn I cant make myself do right I want to but I cant When I want to do good I don稚"
"I know I am rotten through and through so far as my old sinful nature is concerned"
"Its sin inside me that is stronger than I am that makes me do these evil things I know I am that which makes me do these evil things "
"I agree with these laws I am breaking But I cant help myself because Im no longer doing it "
"I do what I dont want to what I hate! I know perfectly well that what I am doing is wrong and my bad conscience proves that "
"because I am sold into slavery with sin as my owner I dont understand myself at all for I really want to do what is right but I cant "
"Paul tells us more about the carnal Christian when he writes The law is good then and the trouble is not there but with me"
"I DO WHAT I HATE (Romans 7:1425)"
"Today the Lord wants to help use identify where we belong and what we can do to be right with Him"
"It was also made clear that we all belong to one of themand that most people belong to the carnal category which is the most dangerous one"
"There is 1 the natural man 2 the spiritual man 3 And the carnal man"
"God wants His word to work We need to find this kind of faith that [speaks] and things happen"
"It is not your faith which has performed the miracle it is Gods faithfulness and power"
"The trouble with many Christians isthat God cannot trust them with great exploits of faithbecause they would take the glory to themselves"
"We must go somewhat further than speaking words of faith We must take faith actions"
"If we are to pray the prayer of faith without doubting then our conversation and confession must also harmonize with our prayer"
"If we are to pray the prayer of faith without doubting then our conversation and confession must also harmonize with our prayer"
"The first is that we sometimes simply do not ask! The second reason is that we pray but with the wrong motive"
"James explained two main reasons why we sometimes do not receive the answers to our prayers [James 4:2-3]"
"To ask and keep on asking indefinitely can sometimes be an indication of our unbelief [Matthew 7:7 Phil 4:6]"
"Many sincere Christians have failed to understand that the prayer of faith is both asking and RECEIVING"
"THE GREAT COMMISSION Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"We must define specifically what it is we are believing God to do and make that request known to Him in prayer with thanksgiving"
"If we pray vaguely we shall not receive anything"
"Simple, truly viral, guaranteed traffic! to promote Jesus check this out pls & RT! God teamjesus" -
"In modern terminology he was asking [What is your specific desire? What is the specific nature of your request?]"
"In Life There Are Adventures Dare Them!" -
"How to commit your life to Christ Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"Jesus settled this immediately when He replied [[I will] be thou clean] and immediately his leprosy was cleansed"
"His doubt was in the area of whether or not it was His (Jesus') will to do so"
"This leper had no doubt whatsoever as the ability of Jesus to heal his condition"
"A leper once said to Jesus [if you will you can make me whole] [Matthew 8:1-4]"
"The prayer of faith does not look to any other source for confirmation or encouragement"
"The foundation upon which the prayer of faith stands is the integrity of Gods word alone"
"If God makes you aware of some sin or resentment which is out of harmony with His will confess it to the elders"
I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray
"Be open and honest before God He is a loving Father who wants to heal you not a dreadful monster who wishes to punish you"
"The sick one is to [call for the elders of the Church] The initiative is with the sick one Faith"
"Share Jesus without Fear" -
"A Rich And Satisfying Life Is The Heritage Of Every Christian" -
"It may bethat there is sin or disobedience in there Faith"
"God wants His word to work We need to find this kind of faith that [speaks] and things happen"
"We spiritualize it bringing Gods word to our experience rather than our experience up to Gods word"
"and be thou planted in the sea and it should obey you] [Mark 11:23]"
"[And the Lord said if ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed ye might say unto this sycamine tree be thou plucked up by the root"

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

"These are actions which agree with the faith statements we have made This is literally acting upon Gods word [James 2:20]"
"We must go somewhat further than speaking words of faith We must take faith actions"
"Our faith confession is a verbal statement which agrees with the attitude of faith we hold about the healing of this sick person"
"Our faith confession is a verbal statement which agrees with the attitude of faith we hold about the healing of this sick person"
"If we are to pray the prayer of faith without doubting then our conversation and confession must also harmonize with our prayer"
"If your confession does not agree with the word of God then it is not faith speaking Faith always agrees with Gods word"
"Jesus explained the relationship between our confession and receiving what we ask of God [Mark 11:23]"
"The first is that we sometimes simply do not ask! The second reason is that we pray but with the wrong motive"
"James explained two main reasons why we sometimes do not receive the answers to our prayers [James 4:2-3]"
"To ask and keep on asking indefinitely can sometimes be an indication of our unbelief [Matthew 7:7 Phil 4:6]"
"A blind man to whom Jesus addressed such a question replied immediately (Rabbi I want to see) [Mark 10:51]"
"GODS NATURE IS TO BLESS Jesus TeamJesus God" -
One article at Daily will bring a better understanding of Jesus. May Jesus bless You. Focus on Jesus God Praise
"If we pray vaguely we shall not receive anything"
"Christians are often so unspecific in their prayers that they would not even know afterwards whether God answered their prayers or not"
"If any uncertainty or doubt within causes us to conclude our prayer with [if it be Thy will] then we have NOT prayed the prayer of faith"
"Evangelistic Healing Is A Primary Ministry" -
"Jesus settled this immediately when He replied [[I will] be thou clean] and immediately his leprosy was cleansed"
"Share Jesus without Fear Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"His doubt was in the area of whether or not it was His (Jesus') will to do so"
"This leper had no doubt whatsoever as the ability of Jesus to heal his condition"
"A leper once said to Jesus [if you will you can make me whole] [Matthew 8:1-4]"
"It believes implicitly that Gods word is the only source of ultimate truth [Romans 3:4]"
"THE GREAT COMMISSION Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"The prayer of faith does not look to any other source for confirmation or encouragement"
"The foundation upon which the prayer of faith stands is the integrity of God]s word alone"
"Stephen A Martyr" -
"Be open and honest before God He is a loving Father who wants to heal you not a dreadful monster who wishes to punish you"
"There can never be healing of these sinner problems until they have been confessed renounced or forsaken"
"Confession brings these hidden destroyers into the open"
"We have already considered the fact that a great deal of sickness begins on the insideIt may bethat there is sin ordisobedience inthere"
"There is to be a confession of faults If any sins have been committed they are to be confessed also"
"The Holy Spirit Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"They are to make a request calling the elders to Minister to them"
"The sick one is to [call for the elders of the Church] The initiative is with the sick one "
"Evangelistic healing is a primary ministry to the unconverted to convince them of the truth and reality of the Gospel"
"Jesus Died That The Devil Might Be Destroyed" -
I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray
"God wants us to run the race determined to gain the prize to have a mark aim vision toward which we are constantly moving"
"God wills that we go through life with direction with vision knowing where we are going"
"God desires that we know His purpose"
"Share Jesus without Fear" -
"You Can Do Little With MUSTARD SEED Faith Jesus Faith"
"If you work alone you will not get much done in this world"
"A Vision must be communicated"
"The word of God is always tried It is always tested"
"A vision is a forwardpointing arrow. It points towards the future"