
Friday, 25 February 2011


John baptized them in water. They were immersed in the waters of the Jordan river. Jesus will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the spiritual water Jesus immerse you in.

As at Pentecost, lift your voice in prayers and praises to Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit filling you – allow him to give you that heavenly language for prayer and praise to your heavenly father.

As the spirit gives you words or syllables to say speak them out in faith to God. You will not understand the words but your heavenly father will.
“And they began to speak in other languages as the spirit gave them the words to say [Acts 2:4] you do the same right now!
In this baptism, the beginnings of your “kingly anointing” will commence. Then as with all the other anointing of the spirit, they will grow and increase as you go on, walking with the Lord HALLELUJAH.


Through this section we’ve learned that God wants to train us to wait on Him and hear His voice we’ve been taught how to view trouble as

* His instruments of refining
* We’ve learned to avoid the traps of pride, sexual sin and the love of money.
* We’ve come to understand that those He calls must be refined and trained by the Holy Spirit in the school of tests and trials.
* The greater your responsibility, the more intense His dealings with you will be.


However, if we’ve learned all these things, but fail to lead God’s people with the full anointing we see in Jesus Christ, it is all for naught without God’s spirit anointing our ministry we cannot

* effectively evangelize,
* teach,
* work deliverance or healing,
* Or do the greater works promised us as church leaders.

All we do will be the result of the energy of the flesh with no lasting fruits.

It is most important that church leaders walk in holiness and depend on the Spirit’s power. Lasting Spiritual power can only be found in a Holy life and all who walk in holiness may have God’s power in their life. We must experience both. To stress holiness and separated living while devoid of God’s power and yet neglect holiness puts us in the position where the anointing we carry will destroy us. [Matthew 7:21-23]


John tells us “The anointing which you received from Him abides in you….As his anointing teaches you about all things, and is true….it has taught you to abide in him

“ And now, little children, abide in him ,so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from him in shame at His coming “ [1 John 2:27-28]

The word [abide] seems to be the key “abide” in me, and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruits of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me.

“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in the vine, bears much fruit, the branch cannot bear fruits of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me.

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruits, for a part from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me, he is thrown as a branch, and dries up; and they are burned.

* “If you abide in me,
* and my words abide in you,
* ask whatever you wish and it shall be done for you [John 15:4-7]


How do we best lead with full anointing? Abide in Jesus! Abide means to

* remain;
* continue;
* stay; to have one’s abode,
* dwell;
* reside

Paul said it this way: as you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord,

* so walk in him firmly
* Rooted and……….
* built up in him and
* Established in your faith……
* overflowing with gratitude [Col 2:6-7]

Independence and sufficiency are mature virtues but they can be harmful in our spiritual relationship with Jesus he says

* abide…….remain in me!
*Depend on me!

For the branch to abide in the vine means that it stays connected, it thus keeps the life of the vine flowing into it. Its fruitfulness depends on this vital connection to the vine. In that same way, we must remain in a close, vital relationship with Jesus. If we do

* His life
* His anointing will ever flow to us and through us

Let us be like Mary – who chose to sit at His feet and hear His words [Luke 10:38-42]

Then we will minister out of the full anointing of Jesus’ “kingly and priestly office”.

Worship and Praise will become our very breath. We will be equipped with His power and gifts to free others into the same liberty.

How deceptive it is - how tragic for a man upon whom God has laid his hand, to take the anointing and use it for his own purposes.

Don’t do it always be a” Jesus pleaser”


1 comment:

  1. Amen and Thank you, perfect words and perfect timing. ..Thank you Lord God, Grant Us Peace.
